Valentine's on Cloud Nine

Have the ultimate Valentine’s getaway as you drift through the skies on a mesmerising hot air balloon flight, followed by a romantic picnic in an exclusive cabana at a desert oasis.

Make this your most memorable Valentine’s Day to date! Get an early start to the day when you are picked up by a a Conservation Guide in your private vehicle. Upon arrival, marvel at the skies as a drone show lights up the morning. Then, set flame to your love as the balloon slowly breaks away from the ground and the desert unfolds in front of you. Experience the most magical sunrise of 2024 as you float among the clouds. Once you’re back on earth, enjoy a desert drive in your private vehicle before heading to an oasis for breakfast. Delight in a romantic picnic in a private cabana with roses and sparkling juice.

Летнее обновление

После веселого и успешного сезона мы приостанавливаем полеты на лето.
Наши полеты на воздушном шаре на восходе солнца возобновятся 16 сентября 2024 года.
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